Vandag saam met SG:
- Oggenddiens om 10:00
- Kinderkerk 10:00
- Tienerkerk 17:00 in die skool se klubhuis
- Inspirare werkswinkels begin vanaand om 18:00 by die Laerskool, info aangeheg.
Twee Wêrelde | Vrede in woede saam met Pieter Roeloffse
Teks – Psalm 69:1- 37
“Prayer is elemental, not advanced, language, it is the means by which our language becomes honest, true, and personal. In the original Hebrew, the Psalms are not genteel—they’re earthy and rough. They are not the prayers of nice people, couched in cultured language. But they have an immense range of gut-level honesty and passion that provides them with terrific energy.” — Eugene Peterson